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January 29, 2024

New features and policies for independent learner course enrollments begin 1/29

UT School District is launching a new registration system for part-time students enrolling in a course in the Independent Learner Program. Beginning on January 29, 2024, students will use a new shopping cart linked in the High School Courses webpage.

New User-Friendly Course Features

Once a course is purchased, students will immediately be able to access their new course. Additionally, students will no longer have to create a UT EID and will be able to receive support for login credentials directly from UT School District staff. With more efficient enrollment and grade posting procedures, students will now have 140 days to complete a semester course. Students will be able to purchase one 30-day course extension.

Updated Student-Centered Policies

Beginning on January 29, 2024, new course enrollments will implement several updated student-centered enrollment and grading policies. Courses will include two summative assessments in addition to the final exam. These online proctored summative assessments will provide students with feedback on mastery earlier on in the course. 

Final semester course grades will be determined by weighting the graded assignment average as 50% of the overall course grade and the exams (two summative exams and a final exam) as 50% of the overall course grades. Students will no longer be required to earn a grade of 70% or higher on the final exam in order to pass a course. Students with a failing course grade will be eligible to take a final re-exam at no additional cost.


Course Enrollment and Exam Policies

Full details regarding new course policies can be found at the webpages listed below.

Prospective Student Webinar

UT High School offers webinars for prospective students (and their parents) on Wednesdays from 11:30 AM -12:30 PM (CST). Log in to the online Teams meeting to hear the live session and ask questions.

Wednesday Webinars for Prospective Students and Parents: 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM (CST)