Online Proctored Final Exams
All UTHS courses offer an online proctored final exam taken by students on their home computer using the Proctorio system. This system allows students to take exams from their home to avoid scheduling on-site exams at testing centers. The secure online testing experience with ID verification, webcam video recording, and a lockdown browser streamlines the process to complete final exams while maintaining the secure testing protocols. The new process also results in cost savings for students, since online proctoring is less expensive than the typical on-site exam proctoring. Details of the final exam process are provided to students within their online courses.
UTHS Diploma Programs Final Exam Policy
The UTHS Student and Parent Handbook outlines the expectations and policies regarding exams and course grades in all UTHS diploma programs.
Final Exam Deadlines
Students enrolled in the UTHS Diploma Programs must complete their final exams by the posted semester deadlines in order to be eligible to earn credit for completing each semester course. The UTHS Student and Parent Handbook outlines the expectations and policies regarding exams and course grades. Students enrolled in partner schools may have earlier deadlines based on their particular program calendar and should direct any questions to their program coordinator.
UTHS Diploma Programs
- Fall Course Final Exam Deadline: December 13, 2024
- Fall Course Final Re-Exam Deadline: January 8, 2025
- Spring Course Final Exam Deadline: May 16, 2025
- Spring Course Final Re-Exam Deadline: May 23, 2025
*All final exams must be completed by 11:59 PM CST on the last day to meet the deadline.
Independent Learner Program Final Exam Policy
Exams must be taken within the 140-day course enrollment time period for students in the Independent Learning Program and within the UTHS semester calendar time periods for students in the UTHS Diploma Program. Most courses provide a Review Sheet that contains the topics covered on the exam. Questions about the final materials should be communicated with the course instructor through the message center.
Please be advised that once the exam has been taken, it may take up to two weeks to grade the exam and report the grade to your school.
Requesting a Final Exam:
Students can request the final examination when all course assignments have been turned in and grades have been awarded for 70% of the assignments. The remaining 30% will be graded "as is" once the final is taken.
When you are ready, you may proceed to take your online final exam by following the directions within the course. The course will guide you in the process of installing and using Proctorio to take the final exam online and at home. It is no longer necessary for you to submit a separate request form to take the first attempt at a final exam.
Rush Grading
Rush grading is available for all exams. Rush grading is available upon completion of the exam. The exam will be graded within 5 business days of the date that the exam is received from the proctoring location. If expedited shipping is necessary from the proctoring center to UTHS, those arrangements should be made by the parent/student with the proctoring center. Download the Rush Grading form and email it directly to or fax to 512-471-7853.
*During the stay-at-home regulations required to prevent the spread of COVID-19, additional time may be needed by instructors to grade exams and rush grading may not be possible.
Related Costs
View related costs.
Independent Learner Final Re-Exam Policy for Enrollments Beginning 1/29/2024
Final semester course grades are determined by weighting the graded assignment average as 50% of the overall course grade and the exams (two summative exams and a final exam) as 50% of the overall course grade. If the student has a failing final semester course grade, the student has one opportunity to retake the final exam to raise the semester course grade and will receive a re-examination request form. Students must have time remaining in their course (or purchase a course extension as needed).
Independent Learner Final Re-Exam Policy for Enrollments Prior to 1/29/2024
High school students must make a grade of 70% or higher on the final exam in order to pass the course. If the student fails the final exam (less than 70%), that failed exam grade is the semester course grade. The student has one opportunity to retake the final exam to raise the semester course grade.
High school students who fail the exam are eligible for re-examination and will receive a re-examination request form with the first notification of a failing grade. Re-examination must occur within 30 days of submitting the re-exam request form and students must have time remaining in their course (or purchase a course extension as needed). Students are allowed a maximum of three course extensions. There is a nonrefundable fee for re-examination.
If the re-exam score is failing, the highest of the final exam grades will be posted as the final grade for the course without averaging any assignment grades. If the student passes the re-exam with a 70% or better, the re-exam grade will be averaged with the assignments grade to determine the final grade in the course.
We reserve the right to require students to retake an exam at our sole discretion.

Proctorio Help Desk
Use Chat Feature in Exam
Call (866) 948-9248
Quick Links
- Exam Materials: Periodic Table
- Exam Preparation Webinar
- Calculator Policy
- Exam Inquiry (Parent and Student Use)
- Re-Exam
- Rush Grading Request
- Student Exam Query Form (Proctor Use Only During Testing)
- UTHS Student and Parent Handbook
- 2024-25 UTHS Diploma Programs Calendar
- 2023-24 UTHS Diploma Programs Calendar (Prior Year)