UTHS programs can support a school or district in a variety of ways to personalize learning for students through blended learning, student support services, virtual school curriculum, and educator professional development.
Contact Us About School Partnerships
Contact UTHSpartner@austin.utexas.edu to request a meeting or presentation to consider a school partnership with UT High School that's tailored to your school and students' needs.
Support for Teacher Shortages
UTHS offers online courses with UTHS certified teachers to fill teacher shortages or expand your course subject offerings.
UTHS Virtual Partner Informational Presentation (Recording)
Virtual Academy Partnerships
We offer online courses for a single class or full-time Virtual Academy for high school students. We also offer online curriculum to support blended learning in the classroom, and training for district and school educators to develop or implement online course instruction. With 23 years of experience in online education, we look forward to sharing strategies and best practices with you. UT High School can provide your local district's Virtual Academy courses and instructors. Please contact us to schedule a meeting to discuss opportunities.
UTHS Virtual Partner Informational Presentation (PPT)
Online Courses for Students
Districts can incorporate our online courses in two ways:
- Students take courses facilitated by a UTHS highly qualified and experienced content area teacher of record.
- Districts purchase course site-licenses and courses are facilitated by an In-District highly qualified content area teacher of record.
Strategies for incorporating UTHS Online Courses:
- Regular course curriculum for fully online course completion
- Supplement to regular course curriculum through blended learning
- Fast track to credit accrual for advanced students
- Support for homebound students or students with special circumstances
- Summer school curriculum
- Credit recovery during or after school
- Any other combination of services to meet your needs
To enroll students at your campus or district in the UTHS online courses or digital curriculum, contact our staff at UTHSpartner@austin.utexas.edu to coordinate services, then submit both the Institutional Course Request Form and the Institutional Bulk Course Enrollment Form. Please allow at least 2 days to process your request, then students can access their courses and get started.
Student Support Services
UT High School offers student services to partner school districts including credit by exams, LUCHATM transcript analysis for immigrant Spanish-speaking students, and advanced courses and programs for G/T and advanced students.
Online PD for K-12 Educators
UT High School's professional development services include online and face-to-face professional development for teachers, counselors, and administrators. The 6-hour update and 30-hour academy G/T professional development courses for teachers, counselors, and administrators help educators meet the Texas state requirements. Advanced Placement® Summer Institutes provide 4-day sessions to new and experienced AP teachers. The online Blended Learning Professional Development courses guide teachers and administrators through the process of planning and implementing blended learning in a traditional school setting. A Texas state-funded reimbursement is available for approved participants in the Blended Learning professional development courses.