Online High School Courses
UTHS online high school courses offer students scheduling flexibility and an opportunity for credit recovery or advancement. Courses are aligned to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, designed by curriculum experts, and facilitated by experienced, highly qualified Texas-certified teachers. Subjects include a variety of high school level math, science, English Language Arts, social studies, physical education, art, Spanish, and elective courses.
The UTHS course catalog includes more than 75 semester courses with on-level, honors, and advanced course subjects available. Core courses are NCAA approved and Advanced Placement® (AP®) courses are audited and approved by The College Board. Courses are open for enrollment to students participating in the UTHS Diploma Program or for students who want to take a single course through the UTHS Independent Learning Program.
Instructional Design
UTHS utilizes an asynchronous, online instructional model which offers students flexibility for their daily schedule to complete course activities. We utilize pacing guides to support consistent course progress, so students stay on track to finish their course within a reasonable timeline. Course designs implement an inquiry-based approach and encourage student self assessment and autonomy. Students interact with their course instructors within the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS) and gain experience with 21st Century skills as they utilize an LMS commonly used at many colleges and universities. All UTHS instructors are Texas certified educators with expertise and experience in their subject area.
Honors and Advanced Courses
UTHS offers a course catalog of on-level, honors, and AP® subjects aligned to the Texas graduation requirements for the Multidisciplinary or STEM endorsements. Honors courses include advanced learning actiivities for greater depth and complexity as well as creative strategies to engage gifted and advanced learners. AP® courses align with the College Board standards with a focus on preparing students to be successful on the AP® exams. Students can register to complete AP® exams at a variety of approved sites, including UTHS's Austin campus. The College Board sets the AP® exam dates for each May testing window and requires registration well in advance of the exam dates.
Course Timelines
The UTHS semester courses are designed to take the same number of hours to complete as semester long traditional classroom courses. Students should work at a steady pace through the course and submit assignments consistently every 1-2 weeks, rather than all at once.
Independent Learners
The Independent Learning Program offers students flexibility to complete courses on their schedule and is designed for students who are enrolled in other school districts or homeschooling (not seeking a UTHS Diploma). From the date of enrollment, students in the Independent Learning Program have 140 days to complete a semester course. Students who want to accelerate may work through the course more quickly by spending more hours per week in the course. Students who need additional time may pay an extension fee: Purchase Course Extension (Non-Diploma Students beginning 1/29).
UTHS Diploma Program Students
Students enrolled in the UTHS Diploma Program must complete their online courses by the deadlines established for each of the fall, spring, and summer semester calendar timelines. Course pacing guides with target dates for assignment submission provide students with guidance to ensure completion of their courses each semester to stay on track with their personal graduation plan and on pace for on time or early graduation. Students may accelerate to complete their courses before the end of each semester, but extensions beyond each semester end date are not allowed.
Course Selection
Students in the Independent Learning Program should consult with their school counselor for guidance when enrolling in UTHS courses to ensure the courses selected meet their specific high school graduation plan. We advise most students to enroll in courses sequentially (e.g., Algebra IA then Algebra IB), especially when concepts learned during the first semester course are necessary to successfully complete the second semester course.
Students in the UTHS Diploma Program participate in the personal graduation planning (PGP) process with the UTHS Counseling and Student Services Team to choose their courses for each semester, then they are scheduled into their courses by the UTHS administrative team.
Course Enrollment and Exam Policies
UTHS course and exam policies are outlined in the UTHS Student and Parent Handbook which is updated annually.
Enrolling in Independent Learner Courses
The University of Texas at Austin High School is a public school district required by the Texas Education Agency to collect detailed information about each student who enrolls in a course or credit by exam.
Before enrolling in a course, students in the Independent Learning Program must acknowledge the following:
- The total cost for each semester course is $260-275 which includes the course fee, electronic textbook fee needed for certain courses, and the online proctoring fee for the exams which must be taken on my home computer. The course begins the day they register and the last day to apply for a refund (minus an administrative fee) is 30 days after course enrollment.
- They are not currently enrolled with UT High School as a full-time diploma student. For questions, UTHS Diploma Program students should contact to enroll in courses.
- Students who plan to complete two semester companion courses, such as Honors Geometry A and Honors Geometry B, should enroll and complete the semester A course prior to enrolling in the semester B course. Enrolling in and purchasing both courses simultaneously, means both courses will have the same deadline. UTHS recommends students complete the semester A course prior to purchasing the semester B course so they will have sufficient time to finish both courses prior to their respective deadlines.
- Students who have an active 504 plan or IEP in their current school district may qualify for accommodations at UTHS. If a child qualifies for special services, it is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to provide a current copy of their signed plan to The University of Texas High School when they enroll in a course. Send 504 plans or IEP documents to and include Independent Learner on the memo line.
- Failed Course – If a student’s final grade on a course is below 70%, credit will not be earned. The student may have one additional opportunity (140 day enrollment) to take the same course and will be required to complete all assignments and exams from the beginning. DO NOT purchase a course for the second time through the UTHS website. Qualifying students interested in enrolling in the same course for a second opportunity should email EdServices at or call 512-232-5000.
Final Exams
All course enrollments include an online proctored final exam using the student's home computer. This eliminates the need for students to take final exams on-site at testing centers and results in an overall cost savings for parents.
All semester courses require students to take an online proctored final exam. Students can request the final exam once all assignments have been submitted and 70% of the assignments have been graded. Students who are eligible can request a maximum of one re-examination.
Students in the UTHS Diploma Program must complete their final exams by the dates established for each semester.
See course final exam deadlines and policies.
Course Grades and Transcripts
Independent Learner Program Enrollments Prior to 1/29/2024
The average of assignment grades in a semester course count for 75% of the course grade; the final exam counts for 25%. The student must score a 70% or better on the exam in order to pass the course. Student final course grades can be viewed from the Student Portal or Counselor Portal. Official transcripts are provided by the student's high school.
Independent Learner Program Enrollments Beginning 1/29/2024
Students in the Independent Learner Program must complete two summative exams and one final exam during each of their semester courses. Final semester course grades are determined by weighting the graded assignment average as 50% of the overall course grade and the exams as 50% of the overall course grade. Student final course grades will be sent to students and counselors and can be viewed in the Canvas LMS.
Program Costs
Although UT High School is a public school, we don't receive any state funding for student attendance, so we must charge a fee for services.
- Semester Course: $260 (Art and Spanish = $275 with integrated online textbooks)
- Course 30-Day Extension Fee: $55
- Expedited Shipping for Exams: $30
- Rush Grading Fee for Exams: $50
- Exam Inquiry Fee: $50
- Exam Change Requests: $25
- These include requests to change proctor, testing site, exam subject or grade level, or exam type from online to print or vice versa.
Students in the Independent Learning Program pay as they enroll in each course or request a particular service.
The UTHS Diploma Program tuition deadlines are updated annually to align to the UTHS Calendar for the fall, spring, and summer semesters.

Grade Reports
Final course grades and the ability to print grade reports are available online for students and counselors. For enrollments prior to 1/29/24, login using your UT EID.
Quick Links for Independent Learners
- Purchase Course Extension (Non Diploma Students)
- Course Drop Request
- Independent Learner Repeat Course Request
- Change of Name/AddressRe
- Computer Requirements for Online Courses
- UTHS Student and Parent Handbook
- 2024-25 UTHS Diploma Program Calendar
- 2024-25 UTHS Diploma Program Course Pacing Guides
- Proctorio FAQ
- Proctorio Troubleshooting Guide