Learning Support and Tutoring
UT High School provides a variety of academic supports for full-time students in their online courses. Students may log in for online Synchronous Lessons, Office Hours, or request individualized tutoring appointments. Access and details about all of the academic support services are described in each student's Canvas Advisory Course, which explains the opportunity, times offered, and logistics for logging in or scheduling.
Synchronous Lessons
Although the UTHS online courses follow an asynchronous learning model, our UTHS Learning Specialists offer a few live, synchronous lessons online for students enrolled in the full-time UTHS Diploma Programs. These synchronous lessons are available for the core subject courses each week on a set schedule throughout the week on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The course schedule for the live lessons is located in the student's Canvas Advisory Course. These lessons focus on specific, key topics aligned to the Course Pacing Guides and give students another opportunity to engage in the content, beyond what the online course lessons already offer. These lessons offer a great opportunity to talk with a teacher and refocus on the key concepts and assignments for the week.
Office Hours
UTHS Office Hours function similar to office hours typically offered in college by professors. Students can log in to ask a few key questions about the lesson, upcoming assignment submission, and to check for understanding. Don't miss this opportunity to chat with your teacher directly online. Students should see their Canvas Advisory Courses for the schedule of live online Office Hours.
Individualized Tutoring
If a student finds that they need specific, targeted tutoring in a particular course subject, they can request a live, online tutoring session. Students request one of the open time slots, then log in with one of our college student tutors. Students should be sure to work on a course assignment before the live tutoring session, so they can ask specific questions about an assignment or let the tutor know if they want to study for a six weeks or final exam as a main goal of the tutoring session. Students may log in to their Advisory Course to request an individualized tutoring session.