Pathways in Technology

Early College High School


Pathways in Technology Early College High Schools (P-TECH) are innovative open-enrollment high schools that allow students an opportunity to receive an associate degree and/or industry-based certificate, mentorship opportunities, as well as a high school diploma. UT High School's P-TECH pathway is in Computer Information Technology (CIT) and gives students the ability to earn a Java Track Level 1 Certificate from Austin Community College upon successful program completion.

Want to learn more? Please review the brief presentation below:

UTHS P-TECH Presentation


Application Information

Texas students enrolled in the full-time UT High School Diploma Program are eligible to submit an application to participate in the Pathways in Technology Early College High School program which began in August 2023.

Applications will reopen in Summer 2025 for the 2025-2026 school year.  


P-TECH Program Design Information

Pathways in Technology Early College High School Blueprint  

The blueprint identifies six benchmarks which serve as the foundational elements of the model and describes essential design elements for each benchmark. The blueprint outlines the required design element artifacts to be published and available to the public. These benchmarks are linked below.

P-TECH Benchmarks

Benchmark 4: Academic Infrastructure

Benchmark 5: Student Supports

Benchmark 6: Work-Based Learning




Contact Us

P-TECH Coordinator:

Dustin Payne





