Course Description
The same laws of Physics are used to describe the behaviors of everything from small atoms, to enormous galaxies.
With new discoveries come an improved understanding and appreciation of the universe we live in as well as great advancements in technology that save lives and improve the quality of lives around the world. These are some of the reasons people like us choose to study Physics.
The AP Physics 1A course uses inquiry-based lessons that focus on experimentation to develop your understanding of important concepts in Kinematics, Dynamics, Gravitation, Energy, and Momentum. With inquiry-based lessons, students begin to study a topic by making observations and discover natural phenomena. Next, students develop, test, and apply models to fit the observations. In this course students create and use multiple representations of physical processes, design investigations, solve multi-step problems, and reflect on learning using practice quizzes and self-assessment rubrics. In most labs, students use a variety of materials at home to collect data. While completing lessons, students use graphing calculators and online interactive simulations, an interactive notebook, practice quizzes and graded assignments.
Course Objectives
The course will teach AP Physics 1 topics (see page 17, 36). We highly recommend that you read the College Board’s AP Physics 1 Course Overview and AP Physics 1 Course Description before beginning this course.
Required Course Materials
You will need the following materials for this course:
- Scientific or graphing calculator
- A notebook dedicated for this course.
- Pens and pencils- at least three colors (e.g. black, blue, and red)
- Lab materials
- You may purchase your own lab materials or contact UTHS or a school in your area to use lab materials. Open and read the list of lab materials (Links to an external site.) required for this course.
- Textbook
- The College Physics for the AP Physics 1 Course (Links to an external site.)textbook is required for this course. NOTE: Make sure the ISBN is an exact match to ensure you have the correct textbook.
College Physics for the AP Physics 1 Course
Authors: Stewart, Freedman, Ruskell, and Kesten
Bedford, Freeman & Worth High School Publishers, Second Edition, 2019
ISBN: 9781319100971
Course Organization
Each semester course includes 5 units (about 4 lessons per unit), text-based and video-based instruction, interactive activities, lab activities, practice quizzes, 15 graded assignments, and 1 final exam.
Final Examination
The final examination is comprehensive; it covers the material from all 5 units. To pass the course, you must receive a grade of 70 percent or better. You can apply to take the Final Exam after 100 percent of your graded assignments have been submitted.
Format: Multiple-choice, online
Time Allowed: 3 hours
Materials Allowed: Writing utensils, calculator, UTHS approved printed materials
Semester Topics
Unit 1: Kinematics
Unit 2: Dynamics
Unit 3: Circular Motion and Gravitation
Unit 4: Energy
Unit 5: Momentum