New Credit by Exam online shopping cart for individual student registrations begin 7/17
UT School District is launching a new registration and payment system for individual students enrolling in credit by exams. Beginning on July 17, 2024, students will use a new shopping cart linked in the Credit by Exams webpage.
New User-Friendly CBE Features
UT School District will continue to keep students and families informed of our new system through periodic informational webinars and guides to ensure students can easily navigate the new registration and payment systems
CBE Registration System Information for FamiliesUT High School offers informational webinars for parents. The webinars are recorded and shared on our website. We also provide an individual CBE purchase video guide to navigate this new system as well as study guides for each exam |
Once a credit by exam is purchased, students will immediately be able to access their new exam. Additionally, students will no longer have to create a UT EID and will be able to receive support for login credentials directly from UT School District staff. With more efficient enrollment and grade posting procedures, UT School District staff will no longer collect credit card information and parents can purchase their exams directly instead of submitting an order form.
Updated Student-Centered Policies
Beginning on July 17, 2024, new credit by exam enrollments will implement several student-centered data collection and reporting features. Students will submit profile information using a resource guide and may request a review/update to their profile data. Students will also have access to download an official grade report online instead of waiting weeks for the grade to come in the mail. UT School District will phase-out mailing official printed grade reports.
Requests for our additional services will be collected through online surveys instead of form submissions. Our team will then review the requests daily and send a direct link for payment for each service and will no longer collect credit card information. These services include exam inquiries, rush grading, exam extensions, and exam change requests.
Other Fees
New survey request process can be accessed on our webpage for the following services:
- Rush Grading: $50
- Exam Inquiry: $50
- Exam Extension: $35
- Exam Change Request: $25