World History B


Course Description

World History B is the second semester in a two-semester series. One-half credit is awarded for successful completion of each semester.

In World History you will examine the people, places, and historical events that shaped the modern world. You will learn how mankind adapted to its environment, the origins of world religions, and the struggles for power that defined borders. You will analyze the impact of past civilizations on the modern world and identify the philosophers, scientists, and inventors that make our way of life possible. You will compare and contrast the characteristics of the major world religions and other cultural aspects of ancient civilizations.

Course Objectives

Upon completing this course you will be able to:

  • demonstrate knowledge of significant people, events, and issues from the earliest times to the present.
  • identify historical points of reference in world history.
  • analyze important events and issues in western civilization as well as in civilizations in other parts of the world.
  • evaluate the causes and effects of political and economic imperialism and of major political revolutions since the 17th century.
  • understand the impact of geographic factors on major historic events and identify the historic origins of contemporary economic systems.
  • understand the process by which constitutional governments evolved as well as the ideas from historic documents that influenced that process.
  • trace the historical development of important legal and political concepts.
  • describe the history and impact of major religious and philosophical traditions.
  • understand the connections between major developments in science and technology and the growth of industrial economies.
  • use the process of historical inquiry to research, interpret, and use multiple sources of evidence.

Required Course Materials

  • History Journal – In the form of a small composition notebook, a spiral notebook, or loose-leaf paper kept in a binder.
  • Pencil or Pen – In order to do well in the course, you must take notes, sketch diagrams and graphs, and solve problems when instructed to do so.
  • Internet Access
  • Adobe Reader

Note: This course does not require a textbook.

Course Organization

Each semester contains 9 units and one final exam.

Each Unit contains:

  • 3–8 lessons. Each lesson includes some or all of the following components: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate.
  • Self-assessments to help you check your own understanding of the material covered in each lesson. You must complete these assessments in order to advance in the course.
  • 2 graded assignments

Final Examination

The final examination is comprehensive; it covers the material from all units. To pass the course, you must receive a grade of 70 percent or better. You can apply to take the Final Exam after 100 percent of your graded assignments have been submitted, and at least 70 percent have been graded and returned to you.

Format: Multiple-choice, online

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Semester Topics

Topic 10: The Renaissance, The Scientific Revolution, and The Reformation

Topic 11: Exploration and Colonization

Topic 12: Ottoman Empire, Safavid Empire, Mughal Empire, and Ming Dynasty

Topic 13: Absolutism, Enlightenment, Rise of Revolutions, and Independence

Topic 14: Industrial Revolution and Economic Systems

Topic 15: Imperialism

Topic 16: World War I, The Russian Revolution, The Treaty of Versailles, and the Great Depression

Topic 17: World War II, End of Colonialism, and the Cold War

Topic 18: The World after the Cold War