Tuition-Free for Texans!
UTHS Tuition-Free for Texans
Enrolling now!
The University of Texas at Austin High School offers a tuition-free virtual school for Texas residents. Students in grades 9-12 from any location throughout Texas may enroll in the 100% remote online program.
The University of Texas at Austin established UT High School in 1999 to serve students who need the flexibility of online learning. UT High School operates as a Texas public school, designated as a special purpose district with Foundation School Program funding provided by the state of Texas. UTHS Texas-certified and experienced teachers support students through online courses aligned to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). UTHS provides a rigorous, online program to prepare students for success on state End-of-Course assessments and future college, career, and military pursuits.
Program Features
- Virtual school
- 100% online instruction from home or any location
- Remote learning
- login for online courses from home or any location
- Asynchronous model
- login for online courses any time of day, rather than a set class period schedule
- Remotely proctored online exams
- complete six week and final exams remotely with Proctorio secure system
- Semester-based calendar
- complete semester courses during fall, spring, and an optional summer session
Interested in more information about UTHS for Texans?
UTHS Prospective Students Webinar via Teams: Every Wednesday at 11:30 a.m. (CST)
Open Enrollment
UTHS offers open enrollment to students with permanent Texas residency. The online application requires typical enrollment documents similar to any Texas public school with acceptance based on eligibility and space available, not student abilities or test scores.
Annual Enrollment Cap
UTHS remains open for enrollment for Fall 2024!
UTHS establishes a cap, or maximum, for the number of students enrolled each year to ensure each student receives full support. If UTHS receives more applications by June 10th than the cap for the upcoming fall semester, a lottery is held in June. If not, enrollment continues until the cap is reached and a waitlist is created, then students are offered a seat when space becomes available. UTHS increased the enrollment capacity for the upcoming school year and continues to have seats available.