UT High School
Full-Time Virtual School for Texas Residents
Eligible Texas residents may enroll in the full-time, online virtual high school Diploma Program with free tuition provided by funding through the state of Texas.
Registration is open for Spring 2025!
Spring Semester courses begin January 13th, 2025. The UTHS Diploma Program offers a full catalog of online courses in more than 75 subject areas to meet Texas public high school graduation requirements. Core courses are NCAA approved and Advanced Placement® (AP®) courses are audited and approved by The College Board. The UT High School operates as a special purpose school district, approved by the Texas Education Agency. Students enrolled in the full-time UTHS Texas Diploma Program complete courses from home utilizing a fully online, asynchronous instructional program aligned to a fall, spring, and optional summer session calendar. Students complete state required courses and take state-required end-of-course exams to meet all Texas public school graduation requirements to earn a Texas high school diploma.
Information Webinars
Students and parents can join us for one of our live webinars to learn more about the program. There will be opportunities to ask questions online during the live webinar. A pre-recorded webinar is linked below for those unable to join us during the live webinar time.
Monday Webinars for Prospective Students and Parents: 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM (CST) -will resume April 14, 2025
Join UTHS Prospective Student and Parent Office Hours on Tuesdays 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM (CDT)
We invite prospective students and their families to an open, informal session where you can connect with an expert to ask any questions about UTHS programs, the application process, or anything else you need to know. Feel free to join and leave at any point during the hour-long session. We're here to help!
Pre-recorded Informational Webinar
Fall and Spring Webinars
We encourage students and parents to join us or view the recordings for the fall and spring webinars for helpful tips for success and an opportunity to ask any questions.
Spring Kick-off and Back to School Webinar Recordings
UTHS-TX Diploma Spring 2025 Kick Off Webinar Recording
UTHS-TX Diploma Spring 2025 Back to School Webinar Recording
Fall Kick-off and Back to School Webinar Recordings
The Fall Kick-off Webinar provides information for starting the Fall Semester in an online format and gives instructions on how to work within the Canvas platform.
UTHS-TX Diploma Fall Kick Off (August 7, 2024) Webinar Recording
UTHS-TX Diploma Back to School Webinar Recording
Courses and Final Exams
Our courses are aligned to Texas state standards (TEKS), and we design instruction to support students in learning concepts so they can be successful on state assessments (STAAR) and prepared for the next course in each subject area. Students have one semester to complete each course; it is possible to finish a course early in the semester when students dedicate more time for learning each week. Online learning offers flexibility and opportunities to accelerate, but it is not designed to be a shortcut. Students take their six weeks and final exams on their home computer with secure testing requirements.
Free Tuition and Parent-Provided Materials
UT High School is a public school open to Texas residents for free tuition beginning with the 2021-22 school year.
UTHS Provides:
- free online full-time course enrollments funded by the state of Texas
- free registration for UTHS Diploma Program
- free access to online or print textbooks for courses
- free science course lab kit supplies
Parent Provides:
- student computer with current operating system, microphone, and camera
- reliable, high-speed internet access
- graphing calculator for math courses
- general school supplies, including spiral notebooks, pens, pencils, and highlighters
- commonly available supplies for specialty courses, such as Art
Please refer to the course description to view course-related materials for additional resources and/ or lab supplies.
Eligibility to Enroll
Texas residents may enroll in the UTHS Diploma Program as full time students to complete Texas graduation requirements and earn a high school diploma. Students must meet all of the following eligibility requirements to enroll in this Diploma Program.
- Maintain permanent residency in Texas and provide proof of residency
- Be under the age of 21 years
- Completed 8th grade coursework (or equivalent credit by exams)
- Have not already earned a high school diploma
- Meet eligibility requirements documented in Texas state policy for public schools (TEC 25.001)
*We encourage students who recently moved to Texas from out-of-state or international locations to send transcripts to be evaluated by a Foreign Credential Evaluation Service approved by the Texas Education Agency prior to enrollment at UTHS to expedite the enrollment process.
Enrollment Process
- Complete the UTHS Online Learning Orientation in Canvas
- Both the student and parent must complete the online orientation (approx. 45 min). The student and parent create separate accounts, complete the course, then upload the two certificates of completion for the student and parent during the online enrollment process. To access the online orientation, visit: https://utexas.box.com/v/orientation-course
- Complete the online enrollment process in Skyward
- Families new to UTHS: Click here to request Skyward account access and register your child
- Families with existing UTHS Skyward Accounts: Use your existing Skyward Family Access portal to register your child for a UTHS program
- Complete all required forms within the Skyward enrollment system
- Upload copies of all required documents, including transcripts showing that the student is eligible for high school enrollment
Not sure if you already have a UTHS Skyward account or forgot your password? Click here to request an email to reset your password.
Enrollment Cap, Lottery, and Waitlist
UTHS establishes an annual enrollment cap to ensure that all students enrolled will receive the appropriate support. The priority registration window for each upcoming school year and lottery are held after June 10th if we receive more applications by June 10th than seats available. Students may continue to submit their registration applications after the priority enrollment window (e.g., during the school year) and they will be offered entry at that time if seats remain available or be placed on the waitlist until an opening arises.
2024-25 UTHS Diploma Program Enrollment Cap for Texas Residents: 1,200
Priority Access for Military-Connected Students
Military-connected students receive priority access to UTHS per HB 4124, to support these students due to the disruption to their education as a result of short notice and frequent military transfers for their parents. This priority access applies to the lottery selection and waitlist processes. Eligibility requirements include the following.
- a student who is a dependent of a member of the United States military;
- was previously enrolled in school in this state; and
- does not reside in this state due to a deployment or military transfer.
Course Schedules
After UTHS notifies students of their acceptance, a member of the UTHS Counseling and Student Services Team will review the student's transcripts and design a personal career plan for them. The next step is to complete your choice sheet, then the UTHS staff will schedule you into your courses. Students must enroll full-time during the spring and fall semesters and stay on-track to graduate in four years to maintain full-time status in the Diploma Program. Since Texas requires students to earn 26 credits to earn a high school diploma, students enroll in seven courses per semester to complete 26 credits and graduate on-time in four years.
Full-time Diploma Program students should not enroll in courses online using the shopping cart. Be sure to follow the steps above to enroll in the full time program and work with your counselor who will place you in courses based on your personal career plan and ensure courses align to Texas graduation requirements.
Transcript Analysis
If you want UTHS to review your transcripts first, before you decide to enroll in the Diploma Program, a member of the UTHS Counseling and Student Services Team will review your prior transcripts to determine how many credits are needed for graduation.
- Fax or email your Transcript Analysis Form to edservices@austin.utexas.edu
- Send copies of all transcripts showing high school credits
- Pay your Transcript Analysis fee of $50 by credit card, money order, or check
*The UTHS will not be able to accommodate transcript analysis requests submitted less than 30 days prior to enrollment to meet enrollment deadlines.
Summer Course Fees
UTHS charges tuition fees for summer course enrollment of $260-275 per semester course, plus costs for textbooks or specialty course materials. Students may need to complete summer courses if they are not on-track to graduate within four years. Students may also enroll in summer courses to get ahead. All fees for summer courses are due by 6/3/24.

Quick Links
- Skyward Family Access Portal
- Contact Us
- About Us
- Submit a Withdrawal Form
- Request a Grade Report
- Request a Transcript
- 2024-25 UTHS Diploma Programs Calendar
- UTHS Student and Parent Handbook
- 2024-25 Course Pacing Guides
- 2024-25 Course Materials List
- 2023-24 TX Schedule Change Form
- 2024-25 Course Offerings
- UTHS Student CBE Request